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TechBrein is attending CAFIT Reboot 2023—the largest IT jobs fair in Kerala.

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We are thrilled to announce that TechBrein will be participating in CAFIT Reboot 2023, the largest IT jobs fair in Kerala, which will be held on May 13th and 14th at Cyber Park, Calicut. As a leading player in the IT industry, we are excited to connect with talented professionals and showcase our job opportunities.

The job fair will provide us with an excellent opportunity to meet and engage with job seekers in the region who are looking for career opportunities in the IT field. We will have the chance to talk to candidates face-to-face, answer their questions, and learn about their skills and experiences.

We are looking forward to connecting with potential employees who have the skills and expertise we need to take our company to the next level. It will be a great platform for us to interact with job seekers and discuss how they can contribute to our company’s mission.

We are expecting a lot of interest in our job openings, and we are excited to showcase the opportunities available in our company. If you are interested in working with us, we encourage you to visit our booth at the job fair and learn more about our company and job openings.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Calicut Forum for IT (CAFIT), the organizers of the event for putting together such an excellent event. We are confident that the event will help the job seekers in the region, and it will be a success.

We are looking forward to connecting with job seekers and finding the best talent to join our team.